
Back to the Future

Now V System photographers - using Hasselblad cameras that might go as far back as 1957 - can add a unique digital back to create images like never before.

The new CMOS sensor-based CFV-50c back
enables history to look to the future – brilliantly blending classic
and iconic design with advanced imaging technology.

Just like its H5D-50c companion the CFV-50c provides
outstanding performance at all ISO settings.

Lower noise levels enables shooting at higher ISO values,
guaranteeing crisp clean images and picture-perfect colours.

You’ll enjoy new features and functionality too: long exposures
with clean, noise-free images; larger LCD; new menu system
and button layout; 90 degree viewfinders; 12.5 MPixel JPEG option
(in addition to the RAW file); simple operation with no need for external cables (The CFV-50c is the only digital back to offer this for V cameras); new programmable button – a shortcut to your most frequently
used function; Live Video in Phocus.

The classic past meets the digital
present and future in the new CFV-50c back.

Read more about the CFV-50c
Download the data sheet
Find a local dealer

For more information please contact:
Mr. Milan Bobek
+ 420 602 766 536

Hasselblad Website Hasselblad Website